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Pasa La Voz was born in response to the earthquakes of September 2017, when three graduate students from Harvard University created a research group in favor of the most affected communities in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec. This team aims to "spread the word" (as its name indicates in Spanish), and it is dedicated to the dissemination of bottom-up information that may be useful for those involved in the long-term recovery process.

All the information on this website was compiled between October 2017 and May 2019 with financial support from various sources, such as the Penny White Project Fund, the David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies, the International Travel Community Service Fellowship, the Mexican Cities Initiative, and Aeromexico. Moreover, it is the product of a close collaboration between the principal investigators and the members of each stricken community, as well as professors, students, and other allied institutions that joined us along the way.

The main investigation revolved around five communities along the Los Perros/Las Nutrias River: Ciudad Ixtepec, Asunción Ixtaltepec, El Espinal, Juchitán de Zaragoza, and Santa María Xadani. However, this website also includes additional information about other Oaxacan municipalities of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec.

The content of this page is free to use, but it must receive credit under the attribution standards of the Creative Commons 4.0 International License.

Field Research

Dení is a PhD student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Department of Urban Studies and Planning. Her research focuses on recovery plans and cross-scalar governance in marginalized communities prone to socio-environmental threats. Her work has been published in The Plan Journal, as well as independent publications from Harvard University's Graduate School of Design and the Massachusetts Institue of Technology's Department of Architecture. She has also collaborated with firms such as Estudio Lamela and JSa in Mexico City. Dení holds a Master in Design Studies (Risk and Resilience) and a Master of Architecture in Urban Design from Harvard University, as well as a Bachelor of Architecture (with merit diploma) from the National Autonomous University of Mexico.

Nadyeli studied Architecture at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, where she graduated summa cum laude. She has worked as an independent professional, academic researcher, and non-profit architect, in firms such as Mass Design Group, in Boston, Massachusetts. Recently, she obtained two master's degrees at Harvard University: the first in Landscape Architecture and the second in Design Studies with a concentration in Urbanism, Landscape and Ecology. She is interested in the convergence of public space with nature, ecology, and the built environment, mainly through community-mediated projects. For her research and design work, she has received multiple recognitions and grants, including a public service award from the Harvard University Graduate School of Design.

Betzabe is a graduate from the Faculty of Architecture of the National Autonomous University of Mexico. During her undergraduate studies, she collaborated with public health researchers inside and outside the university and participated in international multidisciplinary projects such as CASA UNAM. Later, she worked as an architect at Estudio Lamela in Mexico City and as a research assistant at the Arthur Ross Architecture Gallery from Columbia University in New York. Recently,  she obtained a master's degree in Critical Conservation from Harvard University. Her thesis research was credited with multiple awards, and it focused on analyzing the potential incorporation of traditions and social norms in the recovery of areas affected by natural disasters, with emphasis on the Oaxacan settlements of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec.


Jesús Álvarez Gutiérrez  I  Mitzi Antonio González  I  Viridiana Antonio González  I  Ángel Antonio Ríos  I  Deyanira Aquino Pineda  I  Monica Arzoz Canalizo  I  Lorena Bello Gómez  I  Mauricio Benítez Iturbide  I  Leonor Bravo  I  Gaspar Cabrera Manuel  I  Luz Divina Cano Regalado  I  Tzinnia Carranza Lopez  I  Elizabeth Carrasco Morales  I  Rosario Carrasco Sánchez  I  Héctor Castillo Berthier  I  Rogelio Cheng López  I  Tomás Chiñas Santiago  I  Elpidio Desiderio Concha Arellano  I  Lilia Cruz Altamirano  I  Juan Ansberto Cruz Gerón  I  Naila Paulina Cruz López  I  Oscar Cruz López  I  Diane E. Davis  I  Guiexhooba De Gyves Mendoza  I  Claudina de Gyves Mendoza  I  Gerardo De Gyves Ramírez  I  Alejandra De La Mora Maurer  I  Daniella Domínguez Vigdor  I  Quitterie Ducret  I  Noel Espinosa Hernández  I  Guadalupe Estrada Gómez  I  Nizareli Fabián Toledo  I  Juan Ferra Valedo  I  Erwin Gasga Pérez  I  Sebastián Gaviria Gómez  I  Jimena González Sicilia  I  Inés González Tovar  I  Enrique Granell Covrrubias  I  Olivia Hansberg Pastor  I  William Hernández Ramírez  I  Michael Hooper  I  Lizbeth Ignacio Hernández  I  Lirio Jiménez López  I  Aurora Liciaga Montero  I  Lizbeth López Carrillo  I  Malaquias López Cervantes  I  Omar Luis Martínez  I  Vicente Marcial Cerqueda  I  Donaji Marcial Cruz  I  Mauricio Martínez  I  Jesús Martínez Arreguín  I  Mavis Martínez Chiñas  I  Elis Martínez Hernández   I  Eduardo Martínez Noriega  I  Jade Martínez Sánchez  I  Hazael Matus Toledo  I  Rafael Mayoral Palafox  I  Mario Medina  I  Rey David Meléndez Ordaz  I  Ernesto Meléndez Bravo  I  Arantza Millán Freyre  I  Lucy Mora Palomino  I  Jorge Adolfo Nagaya Castillejos  I  Ricardo Ortiz Conde  I  Aurelio Paz López  I  Robert Pietrusko  I  Blanca Prado Pano  I  Víctor Manuel Peña Ramírez  I  Andrea Estefanía Quintana  I  Carlos Rojas Sotres  I  Rian Rooney  I  Norma Rueda Rasgado  I  Carlos Sánchez Martínez  I  Hermenegildo Santiago Guerra  I  Ruth Santiago López  I  Heinz Schaub  I  Christina Siebe Grabach  I  Enrique Aureng Silva Estrada  I  Susan Nigra Snyder  I  Edgar Uriel Tadeo Romero  I  Perseida Tenorio Toledo  I  George E. Thomas  I  Natalia Toledo Paz  I  Oscar Toral Rios  I  Elena Tudela Rivadeneyra  I  Gerardo Valdivieso Parada  I  Rubén Velázquez Salinas  I  Gonzalo Villalobos  I  Lizet Zaldivar Lopez  I  Olga Zúñiga Loera

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